There is a saying that the only two sure things in life are deaths and taxes. Many people spend a significant amount of their time and energy trying to avoid both of those inevitabilities. Unfortunately, the tactics that people may employ to try to reduce their tax...
Tax Law
Do you qualify for an offer in compromise to resolve tax debt?
Unresolved tax debt can feel like a looming storm casting a shadow over your financial well-being. This financial burden can trigger stress and financial instability, whether it’s a business or personal tax debt. Thankfully, the IRS acknowledges that your current...
Is every attempt to reduce income taxes tax evasion?
Income taxes consume quite a bit of an individual's paycheck and, therefore, directly affect their overall standard of living. When filing annual income tax returns, most working adults understandably want to minimize how much they end up paying the government. Some...
“Red flags” that can trigger an audit for the self-employed
There’s been a lot of buzz about the fact that the IRS has been hiring lately, and that has a lot of sole proprietors and contract workers concerned about the possibility of audits in the future. A lot of that has to do with the fact that sole proprietors and contract...
Don’t panic if the IRS reaches out to you
If you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service and haven’t taken steps to pay what you owe, you may receive a letter in the mail that indicates that the IRS knows that you owe money or that it would like to have you contact it about an installment plan. In some...
3 tax risks for those paying self-employment taxes
Many adults only have to think about their income taxes when they file their annual tax returns. Their employers handle the necessary withholding of estimated taxes and send the money directly to federal and state authorities. However, those who aren't employees may...
Will an offer in compromise resolve your tax debt?
Many individuals become worried when facing IRS tax debt and the possibility of being summoned to attend a detailed audit. Failing to address this critical situation, however, can lead to increased penalties and devastating consequences. It is wise to confront the...